Autore: Alberto De Luigi


The Heroes of Modernity:Jesus of Nazareth, Anakin Skywalker, and Satoshi Nakamoto

Jesus was beaten and crucified, killed by the authorities. Anakin becomes Darth Vader, physically and psychologically destroyed, a slave to the Empire. And Satoshi disappeared, leaving us against the Leviathan. But the legacy of these three heroes, almost deities, is more alive than ever in the modern man who seeks to break free from the system and embrace Bitcoin.


Gli eroi della modernità: Gesù di Nazareth, Anakin Skywalker e Satoshi Nakamoto

Gesù è preso a randellate e crocifisso, ucciso dall’autorità. Anakin diventa Darth Vader, distrutto fisicamente e psicologicamente, schiavo dell’Impero. E Satoshi è sparito abbandonanci contro il Leviatano. Ma l’eredità di questi 3 eroi, quasi divinità, è più viva che mai nell’uomo moderno che intende affrancarsi dal sistema e accogliere Bitcoin.


Bitcoin vs Gold vs Fiat

Should bitcoins be adopted on a large scale, will bitcoins have a similar function to fiat currencies? A comparison betwee BTC, Gold and Fiat

loop di sistema

The Tragedy of Fiat Money

Supporters of monetary expansion claim that prices have not increased much over the past two decades. There has been no hyperinflation, so printing new money would not be harmful to the economy. In this article, we will explain why this interpretation is completely misleading.

The Birth of Fiat Money

The fiat currency, overproduction crises, strikes, socialism, government intervention, and monetary policies: all of these phenomena have their origins in a very concentrated period of civilization’s history. Understanding that historical period means understanding the modern economy and the role of money.